05.08.03. Accessibility of public transportation vehicles | Indonesia
05.08.03. Accessibility of public transportation vehicles | Indonesia
19 Apr 2022
There have been various initiatives in Indonesia aimed to increase the elderly’s access to public transportation services and to increase their general mobility. In 2017, the City Government of Bandung plans to eliminate fees for the use of public transportation for elderly citizens. The mayor ensured that the Bandung City Government was committed about empowering its elderly citizens, such as through the creation of the Elderly Regional Commission (Komda Elderly) of the City of Bandung (Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat, 2017).
In 2020, DAMRI, a State-Owned Enterprise supported the Government of West Java to become an operator of Scania Low Deck buses. This type of bus is accommodated to the needs of elderly and disabled population (Humas DAMRI, 2020).
Humas DAMRI. (2020). DAMRI Operasikan Bus Scania Low Deck Ramah lansia, Difabel dan Lingkungan.
Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat. (2017). Hormati Lansia, Pemkot Bandung Gratiskan Transportasi.