05.08.03. Accessibility of public transportation vehicles | Brazil

05.08.03. Accessibility of public transportation vehicles | Brazil

08 Apr 2022

Free public transport is available for people over 65 years of age using urban public transportation, as secured by the ‘older people’s statute’ (Presidency of Republic of Brazil, 2003). For more details on this, please refer to part 9. The public transport is mostly made up of buses and, although they have priority seats for older people, they are not well adapted in terms of accessibility for older people to use them. For example, the buses’ steps are very steep, making it difficult for many older people to enter. In addition, the bus floors may not be adequate or spacious enough for older people to walk on. A selection of the buses available are adapted for disabled people, in which wheelchairs can be allocated. People living with disability should also have access to free transportation under the ‘disabled people’s statute’. The Federal and District Attorney services are responsible for ensuring that these laws are realised in practice at municipal level.


Presidency of Republic of Brazil. (2003). Estatuto do Idoso. Presidency of Republic of Brazil; National Congress of Brazil’s Information System. http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/2003/l10.741.htm