05.05. Is there any evidence of current or changing perceptions of dementia? If so, what is motivating these changes? | Mexico

05.05. Is there any evidence of current or changing perceptions of dementia? If so, what is motivating these changes? | Mexico

13 Jul 2022

In accordance with to World Alzheimer Report 2019 on the attitudes towards dementia (ADI, 2019), in Mexico there are varied perceptions according to the profile of the participants, while 7.6% of healthcare practitioners agreed that people with dementia are perceived as dangerous, 41.2% of the general public agreed that people with dementia are perceived as dangerous. Moreover, 73% of them approved that people living with dementia are impulsive and unpredictable (ADI, 2019). This denotes a negative attitude among the general population. However, there is not enough evidence of changing perceptions.


ADI. (2019). World Alzheimer Report 2019: Attitudes to dementia. https://www.alz.co.uk/research/WorldAlzheimerReport2019.pdf