05.03. What population groups outside the health and long-term care sector receive training and education in dementia? | Indonesia
05.03. What population groups outside the health and long-term care sector receive training and education in dementia? | Indonesia
18 Apr 2022
Alzheimer Indonesia conducts trainings for family caregivers and for the volunteers of their organisations. Besides that, the organisation also collaborates with regional governments. For instance, training 413 social workers of the DKI Jakarta province Department of Social Affairs to be first responders when there is a missing older person or when a person with dementia experiences difficulties to get home (Jakarta Resmikan Pasukan Ungu Bantu Penderita Demensia, 2016).
Dementia education sessions have been conducted in junior high schools, senior high schools, and vocational schools in DKI Jakarta in July 2015 and 2016, at the beginning of the academic year, in collaboration with the provincial government. Approximately 20,000 students were reached through this programme (Alzheimer’s Indonesia, 2019b). Based on the organisations’ internal correspondence documents, in 2016, Alzheimer Indonesia had also provided training for bank/financial service staff and developed a dementia education module for staff of Bank Tabungan Pensiun Negara (National Pension Bank) who often tend to deal with clients with cognitive impairments. The organisation has also collaborated with private sector providing service in retail, such as Hero, a local supermarket chain, in which training was conducted for their grocery store staff to be able to better support their older clients (Hero, Supermarket Ramah Lansia Pertama Di Indonesia, 2018).
Alzheimer’s Indonesia. (2019b). Tentang Alzheimer Indonesia.
Hero, Supermarket Ramah Lansia Pertama di Indonesia. (2018, June). PalapaNews.
Jakarta Resmikan Pasukan Ungu Bantu Penderita Demensia. (2016). BeritaSatu. https://www.beritasatu.com/kesehatan/387342/jakarta-resmikan-pasukan-ungu-bantu-penderita-demensia