05.03. What population groups outside the health and long-term care sector receive training and education in dementia? | Hong Kong SAR
05.03. What population groups outside the health and long-term care sector receive training and education in dementia? | Hong Kong SAR
19 Aug 2022
Dementia training and education is currently not mandatorily covered in the formal training of the other sectors. Yet, various NGOs and academic institutions are actively promoting training programmes to other sectors to build a more dementia-friendly environment in Hong Kong. For instance, under the initiative of Dementia Friends Hong Kong (https://www.dementiafriends.hk/en/), the Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association tailored the dementia training content in terms of level of depth and scenarios for different target groups in order to equip the workforce from other sectors with knowledge about dementia and skills to communicate with individuals with dementia. Any companies or organisations that are interested in this initiative can register as a Supporting Partner of Dementia Friends Hong Kong and attend an information session to understand more about dementia.