04.08.03. By whom and by what process are they driven by? What are the motivations? | Kenya

04.08.03. By whom and by what process are they driven by? What are the motivations? | Kenya

01 Apr 2022

The Government of Kenya is committed to supporting community health initiatives and accelerating the achievement of the Kenya Health Strategic Sector goals and providing support to Vision 2030 (Ministry of Health, 2014b). The Kenyan Government developmental initiatives, such as the Big4 Agenda and Vision 2030, must be realized by empowering communities to lead their own development (The Movement for Community-led Development, 2019).


Ministry of Health. (2014b). Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) basic modules handbook. http://guidelines.health.go.ke:8000/media/CHV_handbook_PDF-F.pdf

The Movement for Community-led Development. (2019). The Community-led Development (CLD) Movement Launches Kenya Chapter. https://mcld.org/2019/01/30/launching-the-kenya-chapter/