How are the different aspects of care coordination organised? For example, if task sharing is being pursued, who trains whom, who supervises whom? | Hong Kong SAR How are the different aspects of care coordination organised? For example, if task sharing is being pursued, who trains whom, who supervises whom? | Hong Kong SAR

19 Aug 2022

The Government promotes a coordinated cross-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach for dementia care. Health professionals and care workers are trained by academic institutions to provide quality care regulated by the government sectors, as well as the collaborations with NGOs and other sectors. The Dementia Community Support Scheme shows an example of care coordination between Social Welfare Department (SWD), Hospital Authority (HA), and NGOs, which work together to organise and provide community support services to persons with mild or moderate dementia and their family carers. The supervisory roles and corresponding responsibilities of these parties are listed below (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a, pp. 25-26):

Social Welfare Department (SWD)

  • Supervisory role of care coordination;
  • Referral of persons with suspected indicators on early dementia in the community.

Hospital Authority (HA)

  • Referral of suitable patients with mild or moderate dementia;
  • Primary care doctors (e.g., general practitioners) to provide medical support to stable patients through public-private partnership.


  • 20 subvented District Elderly Community Centre (DECC);
  • Health & social professionals provide support to persons with dementia participating DECC.

Food and Health Bureau. (2017a). Mental Health Review Report.  Retrieved from https://www.fhb.gov.hk/download/press_and_publications/otherinfo/180500_mhr/e_mhr_full_report.pdf.