Private sector | Kenya Private sector | Kenya

01 Apr 2022

The Kenyan private sector is one of the most developed sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa. 47% of the poorest quintile of Kenyans use a private health facility (Marek et al., 2005). The private sector Partnerships – One project (PSP-One) conducted an assessment of the private sectors in Kenya and revealed a potential for this sector in providing quality care to Kenyans (Barnes et al., 2010). For example: One third of couples obtain their family planning methods from the private commercial sector and another 10 percent go to facilities run by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and faith based organizations(FBOs) (Barnes et al., 2010). The public private partnerships and funding in this area shows the involvement of the private sector in planning for health care including policy development. Although not specific on dementia, there are already strides towards achieving government-private partnership in health which covers dementia.


Barnes, J., O’Hanlon, B., Feeley, F., McKeon, K., Gitonga, N., & Decker, C. (2010). Private Health Sector Assessment in Kenya. 193(1). Washington, D.C. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/5932/552020PUB0Heal10Box349442B01PUBLIC1.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

Marek, B. T., Farrell, C. O., Yamamoto, C., & Zable, I. (2005). Trends and Opportunities in Public-private Partnerships to Improve Health Service Delivery in Africa. Human Development Sector Africa Region, The World Bank. https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/480361468008714070/pdf/336460AFR0HDwp931health1service.pdf