How is curatorship/power of attorney obtained? Is curatorship/power of attorney awarded on a temporary basis only? | Brazil How is curatorship/power of attorney obtained? Is curatorship/power of attorney awarded on a temporary basis only? | Brazil
07 Apr 2022
It is obtained through Court proceedings. The curators may be spouses, parents, children, in cases where the people mentioned are missing, the judge may choose another person as a curator or the representative of the institutions where the older person lives. The curatorship may be awarded on a temporary basis (Jusbrasil, 2018).
Jusbrasil. (2018). Saiba o que é e como ocorre a Interdição de Idoso. Jusbrasil. https://beatriceekarlalopes.jusbrasil.com.br/artigos/573034226/saiba-o-que-e-e-como-ocorre-a-interdicao-de-idoso