Provisions which aim to end discrimination against people with dementia | South Africa Provisions which aim to end discrimination against people with dementia | South Africa
14 Aug 2022
Legislative provisions for anti-discriminatory practices are not dementia-specific in South Africa. However, the Constitution of South Africa, chapter 2’s Bill of Rights protects the rights of all persons with safeguards against the unfair discrimination of anyone (including disability) (see section 9(3) and (4), p.5), protecting the right to human dignity (section 10, p.6), and freedom and security of the person (see section 12, p.6).
Additionally, the Older Person’s Act promotes the provision of services to older persons that includes public education on ageing including dementia (see chapter 4, section 17(d), p.9), supporting the combat of stigma and discrimination against persons living with dementia. Although it is not clear to which extent these programmes are operational and/or effective.