Provisions exist which aim to end coercive practices, including seclusion and mechanical/physical/chemical restraints for people with dementia (or all persons) | Brazil Provisions exist which aim to end coercive practices, including seclusion and mechanical/physical/chemical restraints for people with dementia (or all persons) | Brazil

07 Apr 2022

Yes and no.

There is guidance, for example, from the Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, in partnership with ‘Choosing Wisely’, which states that people should not be mechanically contained/restrained (SBGG, 2018). However, this is not prohibitive and still is common practice in Brazil. Mostly, the guidance available says restrains (chemical/physical/environmental) should be avoided and should be done only as a last resource to a) protect the person, b) protect others, c) guarantee effective treatment. This decision should be discussed among the multidisciplinary team and with the family, and the reasons for that should be documented.


SBGG. (2018, June 7). CBGG 2018: SBGG divulga recomendações sobre escolhas sensatas em saúde em parceria com Choosing Wisely Brasil. SBGG. https://sbgg.org.br/cbgg-2018-sbgg-divulga-recomendacoes-sobre-escolhas-sensatas-em-saude-em-parceria-com-choosing-wisely-brasil/