Provisions exist which promote supported decision-making, which enable people with and without dementia or network of persons to discuss issues and make decisions | South Africa Provisions exist which promote supported decision-making, which enable people with and without dementia or network of persons to discuss issues and make decisions | South Africa
14 Aug 2022
South Africa lacks legislation that supports decision-making in persons with impaired capacity that need assisted decision-making provisions or a provision for an enduring power of attorney (Marilyn, 2015). The latter is practiced in other parts of the world; however, it does not currently form part of South African law despite being recommended in 1988 by the South African Law Commission (Meyer, 2016).
Marilyn, H. (2015). Alzheimer’s – “The window of opportunity.” YE! Available from: https://youve-earned-it.co.za/finance/alzheimers-the-window-of-opportunity/
Meyer. (2016). Legal positions of persons incapable of managing their own affairs.