Provisions exist which promote supported decision-making, which enable people with and without dementia or network of persons to discuss issues and make decisions | Kenya Provisions exist which promote supported decision-making, which enable people with and without dementia or network of persons to discuss issues and make decisions | Kenya
01 Apr 2022
There is no other document except the WHO Quality Rights Tool Kit outlining provision for supported decision making or advance planning in Kenya. Kenya’s legal capacity system does not meet the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). In 2011 the Kenyan government submitted a report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which contained an expression of intention to take legal steps to move towards supported decision-making from substituted arrangements. So far, this has not been implemented in practice (Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC), 2014).
Mental Disability Advocacy Center (MDAC). (2014). The Right to Legal Capacity in Kenya. Budapest, Hungary. https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CRPD/Shared%20Documents/KEN/INT_CRPD_ICO_KEN_19784_E.pdf