04.05.01. Is there dementia-specific legislation either at the national or sub-national level? | Mexico
04.05.01. Is there dementia-specific legislation either at the national or sub-national level? | Mexico
13 Jul 2022
In Mexico, so far, there are no specific laws on dementia. However, there is the Law on the Rights of Older Persons (Congreso General de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, 2002), which is based on the principles of autonomy and fulfillment, participation, equity, co-responsibility, and preferential attention. It also aims at guaranteeing the rights of integrity, dignity and preference, legal certainty, protection of health, alimentation and family, education, employment and economic capacities, social assistance, participation, popular denunciation, access to services. However, it does not mention dementia specifically.
Congreso General de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. (2002). Ley de los Derechos de las Personas Adultas Mayores. Diario Oficial de La Federación, 38, 38–52. http://www.diputados.gob.mx/LeyesBiblio/ref/ldpam/LDPAM_orig_25jun02.pdf