Dementia research and innovation | New Zealand Dementia research and innovation | New Zealand
15 Sep 2022
NZ Dementia Framework:
The dementia framework does not specifically address research and innovation. When describing the purpose of the framework, the importance promoting “national consistency in dementia care while allowing for flexibility to adapt to local priorities and encourage innovation” is mentioned. The need to “ensure that new models of care, good practice examples and research are shared locally, regionally and nationally” is described when outlining governance considerations but this is the only point in the document where research is mentioned.
Dementia Action Plan:
The dementia plan includes research/innovation in their priority action area on strengthening leadership and capability across the sector. A specific objective is to “increase investment in research on dementia, in particular on the epidemiology of dementia in Aotearoa New Zealand, on culturally appropriate ways of describing and approaching dementia for tangata whenua and within Aotearoa New Zealand, and on what works to support people living with dementia”.