Support for dementia carers and families | New Zealand Support for dementia carers and families | New Zealand

15 Sep 2022

NZ Dementia Framework:

Family and whānau support are specifically mentioned in the framework as an overarching factor that needs to be provided across all areas and stages of dementia care. It outlines the need for an easily accessible and navigable service provided by appropriately skilled staff and the importance of encouraging participation at all points of service provision. Woven throughout the key elements are good practice points for how to best educate, inform, and involve whānau at each stage of the dementia process.

Dementia Action plan:

A priority action area of the dementia plan is “Supporting people living with dementia and their family/whānau care partners/supporters to live their best possible lives” so that “people with dementia and their family/whānau care partners/supporters can enjoy more full, active and meaningful lives”.

Associated objectives include recommendations for dementia navigation services as well as whānau support and flexibility across a variety of settings such as home, day activities, respite, and residential care.