Dementia awareness, stigma reduction and dementia-friendly communities | Indonesia Dementia awareness, stigma reduction and dementia-friendly communities | Indonesia
17 Apr 2022
Raising awareness of dementia through dementia awareness campaigns was set as the first action point of the policy. These campaigns are supposed to be held by revising older programmes and creating new programmes that promote healthy lifestyles, as well as raise awareness of risk factors and protective factors. The campaigns are set to be distributed through schools, families, and society. However, the policy does not provide information about their anticipated content or whether it aims to reduce stigma and/or support the creation of dementia-friendly communities (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, 2015b).
Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2015b). National Strategy: Management of Alzheimer and Other Dementia Diseases: Towards Healthy and Productive Older Persons. Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia.