04.03.16. How are targets/milestones monitored? Is there evidence of achievements? | New Zealand
04.03.16. How are targets/milestones monitored? Is there evidence of achievements? | New Zealand
15 Sep 2022
NZ Dementia framework:
The dementia framework was released in 2013 and “highlights some goals that may take time to achieve. It is anticipated that steady progress can be made towards these goals with the ultimate aim of significantly improving dementia health and support services within five years”.
The framework also outlined that “in the 2012/13 annual planning process, the Ministry asked DHBs to develop their own dementia care pathways by June 2013. In the 2013/14 year, DHBs are expected to implement their dementia care pathways and develop regional governance groups. The Ministry’s annual planning process will monitor the progress of the development and implementation of these pathways”.
Dementia Action Plan:
The Dementia plan was released in early 2020, just prior to COVID-19, and outlines recommendations for 2020-2023. The four priority action areas have associated targets for the four-year period and some that are for development with the aim of implementation in 2023 and beyond. There is no specific mention of monitoring targets and milestones.
The plan also describes “enablers” required for successful implementation of the plan which include:
- Allocation of sufficient financial resource by government,
- A knowledgeable, skilled, and supported workforce,
- Stronger links across the dementia sector,
- A partnership focussed commissioning model,
- Systematic and routine population monitoring of a core set of dementia indicators.