04.03.16. How are targets/milestones monitored? Is there evidence of achievements? | Hong Kong SAR

04.03.16. How are targets/milestones monitored? Is there evidence of achievements? | Hong Kong SAR

18 Aug 2022

There is no clear monitoring mechanism for the targets or recommendations suggested in the Mental Health Review Report (MHRR) and the Elderly Services Programme Plan (ESPP).

In the Mental Health Review Report (MHRR), there are some major service gaps identified in the current delivery model of dementia care which require further actions for improvement. These services gaps and actions to bridging the gaps in the seven-stage model for dementia service planning are (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a, p. 186):

  1. Pre-diagnosis
  • Service gaps: awareness; knowledge; early detection
  • Actions: territory-wide epidemiological studies; public education; care worker training
  1. Diagnosis
  • Service gaps: tests & scans for dementia; long waiting time; younger onset dementia
  • Actions: coordinate primary, secondary & specialist care; share electronic health record
  1. Post-diagnostic support
  • Service gaps: difficult to access service & handle crisis
  • Actions: clear pathways of referral; advice on treatment options; hotline service
  1. Coordination & care management
  • Service gaps: unclear coordination among service providers in the neighbourhood
  • Actions: case management; identify special needs; database to review outcomes
  1. Community services
  • Service gaps: no dementia-specific services
  • Actions: more day care, respite, outreach & home-based services; carer training
  1. Continuing care
  • Service gaps: inadequate support to promote longer living in the community
  • Actions: strengthen medical & long-term care; discharge planning; care worker training
  1. End-of-life palliative care
  • Service gaps: not widely understood among the public
  • Actions: promote greater acceptance; legal issues in making informed decisions.

Regarding evidence of achievement, for 5. Community services, a dementia-specific community service, namely Dementia Community Support Scheme, was piloted for 2 years starting from 2017 and became regularised in 2019.


Food and Health Bureau. (2017a). Mental Health Review Report.  Retrieved from https://www.fhb.gov.hk/download/press_and_publications/otherinfo/180500_mhr/e_mhr_full_report.pdf.