04.03.15. If there is a policy already, who were the stakeholders involved in developing the policy? What is their role in enacting their policy? How is this monitored? | New Zealand
04.03.15. If there is a policy already, who were the stakeholders involved in developing the policy? What is their role in enacting their policy? How is this monitored? | New Zealand
15 Sep 2022
NZ Dementia framework:
The dementia framework was developed by representatives from each DHB, the national dementia cooperative, and primary health care services, as well as people with dementia and their carers. The acknowledgements included representatives from many organisations including representatives from Dementia Associations, the aged care sector, Universities, DHBs, Primary care and Allied health.
Dementia Action plan:
Development of the dementia plan was facilitated by Alzheimer’s NZ and the NZ Dementia cooperative. Contributors included members of both organisations, as well as representatives from Dementia NZ, dementia researchers from the University of Auckland, the District Health Boards, and a representative from a national retirement village group. Amongst this group were old age psychiatrists, geriatricians, and people with dementia and their carers. The group then worked with their communities and alongside the Ministry of Health to create the document.