04.03.13. (How) does the policy incorporate aspects of prevention and risk reduction? (e.g., link to public health initiatives, community initiatives) | New Zealand
04.03.13. (How) does the policy incorporate aspects of prevention and risk reduction? (e.g., link to public health initiatives, community initiatives) | New Zealand
15 Sep 2022
NZ Dementia framework:
The first key element of the dementia framework is on awareness and risk reduction with the stated aim of using “both local and national efforts to make New Zealanders more aware of the importance of living a healthy and active lifestyle, which may reduce the risk of developing dementia. Greater awareness will also increase the social acceptance, inclusion, and wellbeing of those living with dementia”. This includes recommendations and good practice examples of initiatives at local, regional, and national level for dementia awareness, stigma reduction, and education on risk reduction strategies.
Dementia Action Plan:
One of the four key action areas identified in the plan is to reduce the incidence of dementia. The plan outlines the need for health promotion agencies/sector NGO’s to “Work with colleagues involved with other key non-communicable diseases and population health to design a health promotion programme that includes dementia prevention / brain health protection”.