04.03.11. Does the policy document recognise potential barriers to access, and does it suggest solutions to overcome them? | New Zealand
04.03.11. Does the policy document recognise potential barriers to access, and does it suggest solutions to overcome them? | New Zealand
15 Sep 2022
NZ Dementia Framework:
The framework acknowledges potential barriers to access due to difficulties with language or communication, a lack of understanding of dementia, or other cultural reasons that delay or prevent access to, or uptake of, services. The principles of the framework note the need for age and culturally appropriate services, as well as an explicit identification of the need to reduce funding barriers to access as much as possible.
Dementia plan:
The dementia plan acknowledges that access to services is “inequitable across specific groups such as Māori, Pasifika, ethnic minorities particularly refugees, people living alone, and people living with young-onset dementia, deafness, intellectual disability, or neurological or psychiatric illness; and across urban-rural and District Health Board (DHB) boundaries” and that their needs must be recognised and responded to so that equitable access to appropriate services and care can be provided. The plan also highlights a priority research area of “culturally appropriate ways of describing and approaching dementia with NZ’s non-pakeha cultures”.