04.03.11. Does the policy document recognise potential barriers to access, and does it suggest solutions to overcome them? | Brazil
04.03.11. Does the policy document recognise potential barriers to access, and does it suggest solutions to overcome them? | Brazil
07 Apr 2022
It attempts to recognise common barriers to access. The National Policy for Primary Care document recognises that in some geographical areas of Brazil services are difficult to access. Therefore, some healthcare teams provide care for people living in regions with difficult access to services, such as rural, riverside, and Amazon rainforest (Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2012). Despite its challenges, in theory, such teams should have access to transportation (by car or by boat) so that such communities could be visited by healthcare providers. Older people’s policies mention the integration and coordination with other areas (intersectoral approach) to overcome some of these challenges. As healthcare is a right of every person in Brazil, it is implied that the government must actively identify strategies to overcome eventual barriers of access.
Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2012). Política Nacional de Atenção Básica.