04.03.10. (How) does the policy outline the interface between other aspects of care (e.g., general health care for older adults, mental health care etc)? | Brazil

04.03.10. (How) does the policy outline the interface between other aspects of care (e.g., general health care for older adults, mental health care etc)? | Brazil

07 Apr 2022

As the existing policies were developed to meet the needs of older people in Brazil (regardless of having dementia) they are broad in scope and incorporate other aspects of care, such as general healthcare (Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2006b). Mental health care is available through the National Policy for Primary Care (Política de Nacional de Atenção Básica) for all people of all ages. People who have been identified to be in need of mental health support may be sent to the Centres of Psychosocial Attention (Centro de Atenção Psicosocial – CASP) where they receive specialised care (Brazilian Ministry of Health, 2012, 2018e). People living with dementia might follow this route; however, these individuals are most often involved in the health system through the primary healthcare units, rather than through the mental health services.


Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2006b). Política Nacional de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa. Brazilian Ministry of Health. http://bvsms.saude.gov.br/bvs/saudelegis/gm/2006/prt2528_19_10_2006.html

Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2012). Política Nacional de Atenção Básica.

Brazilian Ministry of Health. (2018e). Orientações Técnicas para a Implementação de Linha de Cuidado para Atenção integral à Saúde da Pessoa Idosa no Sistema Único de Saúde—SUS. Ministério da Saúde do Brasil.