04.03.09. (How) does the policy document support integrated care? | New Zealand
04.03.09. (How) does the policy document support integrated care? | New Zealand
15 Sep 2022
NZ Dementia Framework:
One of the principles of the framework is for the “provision of accessible, proactive and integrated services that are flexible to meet a variety of needs”. It then goes on to describe an ideal integrated service such that:
- service models are adapted to meet local needs and are supported by local and regional dementia care pathway governance structures,
- care planning is consistent, coordinated, and flexible across all services (including DHBs, primary and secondary health care, government organisations, non-government organisations and private sector organisations), ensuring seamless continuity of care and support,
- interdisciplinary assessment and care planning focuses on functional, psychological, and social goals,
- gaps in services that cannot be filled locally are met by a sub-regional or regional approach,
- the person with dementia’s care team is responsible for identifying a suitable navigator.
Dementia plan:
One of the guiding principles of the plan is integrated care where “all parts of the dementia sector work together in the implementation of the plan”. The action areas of the plan highlight the need for working collaboratively and for national cross-sector stewardship and leadership.