04.03.08. (Who) are the key actors described in the policy document? Are their roles defined? | New Zealand
04.03.08. (Who) are the key actors described in the policy document? Are their roles defined? | New Zealand
15 Sep 2022
NZ Dementia framework:
When outlining the guiding principles of the framework and overarching factors, the framework talks in general terms about the roles/responsibilities of the MoH, DHBs, and then “health and social services” more generally. The document gets more specific when going into detail about each of the key elements of the framework, identifying specific agencies, and providing “good practice examples” of how some agencies/organisations have addressed some of the issues raised. For example, the key element of “early intervention and ongoing support” (p21) outlines issues to consider for the person with dementia, their family/whānau, and what specific services the health navigator can consider liaising with to successfully address the issues.
Dementia Action Plan:
The priority objectives outlined by the dementia plan also suggest who the lead organisations should be for the associated action areas. For example, the plan suggests health promotion agencies/sector NGO’s lead risk factor reduction drives, DHBs/primary care sectors lead the development of cognitive impairment pathways, or that the MoH leads the establishment of national cross sector leadership groups.