04.03.08. (Who) are the key actors described in the policy document? Are their roles defined? | Hong Kong SAR
04.03.08. (Who) are the key actors described in the policy document? Are their roles defined? | Hong Kong SAR
18 Aug 2022
The Mental Health Review Report (MHRR) proposes a seven-stages model for dementia service planning promulgated by the WHO and the Alzheimer’s Disease International. The service needs and major service providers (i.e., key actors) in each stage of dementia care (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a, p. 151):
- Pre-diagnosis
- Service needs: public education & prevention
- Major service providers: Department of Health (DH), Hospital Authority (HA), Social Welfare Department (SWD), NGOs, carers, private doctors
- Diagnosis
- Service needs: primary & specialist care
- Major service providers: HA, private doctors
- Post-diagnostic support
- Service needs: primary & specialist care; community & information support
- Major service providers: HA, SWD, NGOs, carers, private doctors
- Coordination & care management
- Service needs: primary & specialist care; community support; needs assessment
- Major service providers: HA, SWD, NGOs, carers, private doctors
- Community services
- Service needs: specialist care; community support; outreach services; carer training
- Major service providers: HA, SWD, NGOs, DH, carers
- Continuing care
- Service needs: acute & sub-acute medical services; hospital care; community support
- Major service providers: HA, SWD, NGOs, carers
- End-of-life palliative care
- Service needs: acute & sub-acute medical services; continuing & palliative care
- Major service providers: HA, SWD, NGOs, carers.
Food and Health Bureau. (2017a). Mental Health Review Report. Retrieved from https://www.fhb.gov.hk/download/press_and_publications/otherinfo/180500_mhr/e_mhr_full_report.pdf.