04.03.07. (How) are health and long-term care workforce represented in the policy document? | Mexico

04.03.07. (How) are health and long-term care workforce represented in the policy document? | Mexico

12 Jul 2022

The health and long-term care workforce is represented in the National Plan through two strategies, the first one aims at training adequate and specific human resources through the following lines of action:

  1. To increase the number of specialists to provide care for dementia patients, in accordance with the needs of the country.
  2. To implement permanent training programs to update health professionals and non-professional personnel.
  3. To include topics on aging during undergraduate and graduate training for all health professionals, with emphasis on dementia.
  4. To promote human resource training strategies, taking advantage of new information technologies and inter-institutional collaboration.
  5. To create scholarships for the training of non-medical health professionals specialised in the care of the elderly with dementia.
  6. To promote family guidance for better care and management of family members affected by dementia.

The second strategy is aimed specifically at long-term care in the last stages of the disease, focussing on the need for programs or services for comprehensive palliative care at home.