04.03.06. (How) are aspects of care quality assurance incorporated into the policy document? | New Zealand
04.03.06. (How) are aspects of care quality assurance incorporated into the policy document? | New Zealand
15 Sep 2022
NZ Dementia Framework:
One of the overarching factors identified by the dementia framework is the need for regional and local governance groups that:
- help to implement their dementia care pathways in line with the framework,
- ensure that a wide range of expertise (e.g., secondary care, primary health care, allied health, community services, volunteer services, family and whānau) is involved in developing dementia care pathways and services at the local and regional level,
- ensure that new models of care, good practice examples and research are shared locally, regionally, and nationally,
- develop measureable outcomes of the pathways’ effectiveness,
- identify and facilitate national and regional collaboration opportunities,
- develop regional approaches for complex cases (e.g., alcohol or drug addiction related dementia, people with Down syndrome, young onset dementia and tertiary services).
Another overarching factor is the need for monitoring and evaluation which should
- include measureable outcomes,
- identify gaps and ensure improvements in dementia care and support,
- include national and international benchmarking,
- evaluate outcomes from the perspective of people with dementia and their families and whānau.
Dementia Action Plan:
The dementia plan identifies four priority action areas to focus on over the next three years:
- Dementia incidence reduction,
- Supporting people living with dementia and their family/whānau care partners to live well,
- Build accepting and understanding communities,
- Strengthen capability across the sector.
Each of these objectives have actions associated with them and suggest the organisations best placed to lead. The action area of strengthening capabilities includes the recommendations for quality assurance and governance including the establishment of a national cross-sector leadership group with clear lines of accountability at DHB, regional, and national levels and the development of national indicators, measures, and standards in the dementia sector.