04.03.06. (How) are aspects of care quality assurance incorporated into the policy document? | Mexico

04.03.06. (How) are aspects of care quality assurance incorporated into the policy document? | Mexico

12 Jul 2022

There is a specific strategy focusing on ensuring access to quality services, and it is centred on the following lines of action:

  1. The availability of human, material, and financial resources in accordance with the number of dementia patients at the three levels of health care.
  2. To improve the quality of geriatric, neurological and psychiatric care to achieve comprehensive medical management in advanced stages of the disease.
  3. To strengthen care at the community and family level with a comprehensive ambulatory, non-hospital vision for long-term care of dementia patients through specific rehabilitation programs.
  4. To establish, grow, maintain, and regulate day centres as an alternative for the comprehensive management of patients with dementia in the early stages of the disease.
  5. To destine the third level of attention to the study and management of difficult cases for an adequate differential and final diagnosis.