04.03.04. (How) is the risk of mistreatment and abuse of people with dementia incorporated into the policy? | India

04.03.04. (How) is the risk of mistreatment and abuse of people with dementia incorporated into the policy? | India

07 Jul 2022

The National Policy on Older Persons (NPOP, 1999) confirms the commitment of the government to the well-being of elderly people by recognising important rights including the need to protect them against abuse and exploitation (Government of India, 2014). There is also the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act (2007), which places the responsibility on children or relatives to take care of the elderly and highlights that neglect or abandonment of elderly people is a punishable offence by law (Ministry of Law and Justice, 2007).


Government of India. (2014). Theme of International Day of Older Persons-‘Leaving No One Behind: Promoting a Society for All” echoes Sab ka Saath Sab ka Vikas.

Ministry of Law and Justice. (2007). Maintenance and welfare of parents and senior citizens Act. Government of India.