04.03.04. (How) is the risk of mistreatment and abuse of people with dementia incorporated into the policy? | Hong Kong SAR

04.03.04. (How) is the risk of mistreatment and abuse of people with dementia incorporated into the policy? | Hong Kong SAR

18 Aug 2022

The risk of mistreatment and abuse of people with dementia is not clearly covered in the existing plans. The Mental Health Review Report (MHRR) only mentions the Visiting Health Teams (VHTs) under the Department of Health which delivers on-site education and training in elderly community and residential care settings on a wide range of topics, including prevention of elder abuse, building cognitive reserve, and skills for the caring of elders with dementia (Food and Health Bureau, 2017a, p. 41).


Food and Health Bureau. (2017a). Mental Health Review Report.  Retrieved from https://www.fhb.gov.hk/download/press_and_publications/otherinfo/180500_mhr/e_mhr_full_report.pdf.