04.03.03. (How) are people with dementia and their family (unpaid) carers recognised in the policy document? | New Zealand

04.03.03. (How) are people with dementia and their family (unpaid) carers recognised in the policy document? | New Zealand

15 Sep 2022

NZ Dementia Framework: 

  • The framework principles recognise the need for person-directed services that are accessible, proactive and integrated, and flexible to the needs of family/whanau.
  • The overarching factors outlined by the dementia framework are explicit in their acknowledgement of the need for culturally appropriate services and family/whānau support and advocacy.
  • Woven throughout the documents key elements are the requirements to recognise, acknowledge, and support family and whanau throughout the dementia journey.

Dementia Action Plan: 

  • links to the Mahi Aroha-Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019-2023 (Ministry of Social Development, 2019) which sets out to recognise carers and their contributions, support the wellbeing of carers, and improve their access to support and services.
  • One of the stated goals of the plan is to “decrease the impact of dementia on…whānau/families and communities”.
  • A priority area identified is the need to support family/whānau and the action plan outlines what these are and who should be involved.

Ministry of Social Development. (2019). Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019–2023. Available from: https://www.msd.govt.nz/documents/about-msd-and-our-work/work-programmes/policy-development/carers-strategy/carers-strategy-action-plan-2019-2023.pdf.