Are there dementia-specific documents operationalized at subnational levels? | Brazil Are there dementia-specific documents operationalized at subnational levels? | Brazil

06 Apr 2022

Yes, there some dementia-specific documents at subnational levels. We could identify four of them. They are the law 6.926 in the Federal District (Federal District Government, 2021), the PL 131/2018 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Projecto de Lei n131/2018, 2018), the PL 769/2019 in the municipality of São Paulo (São Paulo Chamber of Deputies, 2019), and the PL 12/2020 in the city of Novo Hamburgo (Novo Hamburgo Municipal Chamber, 2020). They relate to policy for prevention, treatment, and support for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and their family carers.

Besides, there are some policy documents that include strategies to improve the quality of care and accessibility to mental health services for older people in general, with dementia being explicitly cited as one of the conditions included. These documents are the State of Paraná Plan for Older People (Paraná Government, 2014), the State of Pará Plan for Older People (Pará Government, 2017) and the Municipality of São Paulo Healthcare Plan (São Paulo City Hall, 2015). Even though no documents exist for dementia specifically, the municipality of São José dos Campos, for example, offers dementia training for doctors, nurses, and dentists. This training is based on discussions of dementia-related clinical cases with a multidisciplinary team. Furthermore, there is an “Ageing Workshop” for training health community agents and nursing assistants in an array of topics relating to ageing, including dementia also in São José dos Campos. In Brazil there are 5,570 municipalities which are decentralised from the federal government; thus, it is possible that other unknown local initiatives exist.


Federal District Government. (2021). LEI No 6.926—Política distrital para prevenção, tratamento e apoio às pessoas com doença de Alzheimer e outras demências. https://www.tjdft.jus.br/institucional/relacoes-institucionais/arquivos/lei-no-6-926-de-02-de-agosto-de-2021.pdf

Novo Hamburgo Municipal Chamber. (2020). Projeto de Lei Municipal 12/2020—Novo Hamburgo. Camara Municipal. https://portal.camaranh.rs.gov.br/pm3/informacao_e_conhecimento/noticias/novo-hamburgo-podera-ter-politica-de-enfrentamento-ao-alzheimer

Paraná Government. (2014). Plano Estadual dos Direitos da Pessoa Idosa do Paraná: 2015 a 2018. http://www.cedi.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/2015/publicacoes/Plano_Estadual_Idoso_publicado.pdf

Paraná Government. (2017). Plano Estudual de Atendimento à Pessoa Idosa: 2016-2019.

São Paulo Chamber of Deputies. (2019). Projeto de Lei da Câmara Municipal de São Paulo, n 769, de 2019. https://splegisconsulta.camara.sp.gov.br/Pesquisa/DetailsDetalhado?COD_MTRA_LEGL=1&COD_PCSS_CMSP=769&ANO_PCSS_CMSP=2019

São Paulo City Hall. (2015). Plano Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo 2014-2017. City Hall of Sao Paulo.