Is dementia integrated into or covered by a different national plan (such as a mental health plan)? | New Zealand Is dementia integrated into or covered by a different national plan (such as a mental health plan)? | New Zealand
15 Sep 2022
The actions from the Dementia Plan are intended to support the Healthy Ageing Strategy’s Priority actions 2019–2022. This Plan also has links to and supports other strategies and plans, including:
- Health Ageing Strategy 2016 which sets out the strategic direction for the next 10 years for the delivery of services so that older people live well, age well, and have a respectful end of life in age-friendly communities. The current focus is on the priority actions for 2019 to 2022.
- Better Later Life – He Oranga Kaumātua 2019-2034 which sets out the actions needed for Aotearoa New Zealand to embrace the opportunities that an ageing population and longevity brings.
- The Carers’ Strategy 2008 and the Carers’ Strategy Action Plan 2019 to 2023 which provides resources and support to support care partners.
- The Aotearoa New Zealand Disability Strategy 2016 which has a vision for Aotearoa New Zealand as “a non-disabling society – a place where disabled people have an equal opportunity to achieve their goals and aspirations, and all of Aotearoa New Zealand works together to make this happen”.
- Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction 2018 which provided advice to Government about changes needed to the system.
- The Health and Disability Kaiāwhina Workforce Action Plan 2015-2020 which is a five-year action plan with a 20-year vision for the Aotearoa New Zealand health and disability Kaiāwhina (non-regulated) workforce.