How are people living with dementia and their care needs presented and represented in this context? Are families/carers involved in the development of the policies and plans? | Indonesia How are people living with dementia and their care needs presented and represented in this context? Are families/carers involved in the development of the policies and plans? | Indonesia

15 Apr 2022

There is no mention in national plan that people living with dementia were directly involved in its development. However, families/carers were represented during the development through non-governmental associations, Alzheimer’s Indonesia (ALZI), which was one of the actors involved in making the national strategic plans (Juliyah & Andry, 2016).

The second action step of this national strategy advocates the human rights of people with dementia and their caregivers. The key indicators to achieve this are protection of people with dementia through existing regulations such as those formulated by the Ministry of Home Affairs, advocacy efforts on human rights, formation of regional caregiver support groups, and realisation of health referral system for dementia (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, 2015b).


Juliyah, & Andry, G. (2016). Strategi Nasional Penanggulangan Demensia dan Alzheimer Diluncurkan. Info Publik. http://infopublik.id/read/148368/strategi-nasional-penanggulangan-demensia-dan-alzheimer-diluncurkan-.html

Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2015b). National Strategy: Management of Alzheimer and Other Dementia Diseases: Towards Healthy and Productive Older Persons. Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia.