Are there any targets or milestones for monitoring implementation included? What do these encompass? | New Zealand Are there any targets or milestones for monitoring implementation included? What do these encompass? | New Zealand

15 Sep 2022

NZ dementia framework:

In the 2012/13 annual planning process, the Ministry asked DHBs to develop their own dementia care pathways by June 2013. In the 2013/14 year, DHBs are expected to implement their dementia care pathways and develop regional governance groups. The Ministry’s annual planning process will monitor the progress of the development and implementation of these pathways. The development and implementation are expected to be undertaken in collaboration with the primary health care and community care sectors and to align with this framework. The framework can also be used to guide workforce training, planning, and recruitment and retention.

Dementia action plan:

Sets out several objectives with associated actions and suggested lead organisations, but no formal monitoring per se.