When was this document updated? | New Zealand When was this document updated? | New Zealand

15 Sep 2022

The NZ Dementia Framework (NZDF) (Ministry of Health, 2013) was released by the Ministry of Health in 2013 as a guiding framework for the provision of dementia prevention, intervention, and care within the NZ health system. Led by a small group of dementia NGO’s clinicians, academics, and providers, “Improving dementia services in NZ – Dementia action plan 2020-2025 (2020)” (Mate Wareware Advisory Ropu, et al., 2021) was released as a plan for the whole dementia sector and outlined the most urgent steps for the next five years.


Mate Wareware Advisory Ropu, et al., (2021). Improving Dementia Mate Wareware Services in Aotearoa New Zealand: Action Plan. Available from: https://cdn.alzheimers.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Dementia-Mateware-Action-Plan.pdf.

Ministry of Health. (2013). New Zealand Framework for Dementia Care. Wellington Ministry of Health.