Does migration (within and between countries) play a role in the availability of long- term care workers? What are the migration patterns? | South Africa Does migration (within and between countries) play a role in the availability of long- term care workers? What are the migration patterns? | South Africa
13 Aug 2022
Migration is a major challenge for the South African health system (Rawat, 2012). Due to poor working conditions (mentioned above), practitioners leave the public sector seeking employment opportunities in the private sector. In addition, health care workers are also migrating abroad due to a lack of employment opportunities and unfavourable working conditions in the public sector (DOH, 2011). Medical practitioners (8 921), nurses (6 844) and other health practitioners (7 642) are absorbed by countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States sector (DOH, 2011).
DOH. (2011). HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH SOUTH AFRICA (HRH) Department of Health. Available from: http://www.hst.org.za/publications/NonHST Publications/hrh_strategy-2.pdf
Rawat, A. (2012). Gaps and shortages in South Africa’s health workforce. Backgrounder, 31(June), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.4424.0805