Is there a regulatory body? Or do formal care workers belong to any professional body? Are there any guidelines published by any government agencies? | Indonesia Is there a regulatory body? Or do formal care workers belong to any professional body? Are there any guidelines published by any government agencies? | Indonesia
15 Apr 2022
There is no regulatory body for care workers operating in Indonesia. Members of the public long-term care workforce, such as those working as volunteers for Puskesmas and Posyandu Lansia, are bound by the guidelines of their local healthcare provider. Similarly, members of the private long-term care workforce operate within the guidelines of the private sector (Pratono & Maharani, 2018). The BNP2TKI, however, operates a regulatory body for care workers working overseas (BNP2TKI, 2011).
BNP2TKI. (2011). Sejarah Penempatan TKI Hingga BNP2TKI. http://www.bnp2tki.go.id/frame/9003/Sejarah-Penempatan-TKI-Hingga-BNP2TKI
Pratono, A. H., & Maharani, A. (2018). Long-Term Care in Indonesia: The Role of Integrated Service Post for Elderly. Journal of Aging and Health, 30(10), 1556–1573. https://doi.org/10.1177/0898264318794732