Is there a regulatory body? Or do formal care workers belong to any professional body? Are there any guidelines published by any government agencies? | India Is there a regulatory body? Or do formal care workers belong to any professional body? Are there any guidelines published by any government agencies? | India
06 Jul 2022
As part of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare programmes, NPOP, the NPHCE provided operational guidelines, which support the provision of accessible, affordable, comprehensive and high quality long-term care to the elder population (MoHFW, 2011). However, there are no regulatory mechanisms in place for long-term care workers.
Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare. (2011). Operational Guidelines: National Programme For Health Care Of The Elderly (NPHCE). Available from: https://main.mohfw.gov.in/organisation/Departments-of-Health-and-Family-Welfare/national-programme-health-care-elderly-nphce