03.03.01. Size and structure of the workforce | Mexico
03.03.01. Size and structure of the workforce | Mexico
12 Jul 2022
In terms of people working in long-term institutions for older adults (under any modality: home care, old people homes/residences, etc.), the Social Assistance Housing Census CAAS survey identified 14,582 people working in the 1,020 long-term care institutions for older adults. Of these, 86% were employed and 14% worked without payment or as volunteers. The majority were women, representing 78% of the paid workers and 63% of the unpaid workers or volunteers.
The CAAS survey also asked about different characteristics of the employment performed and if the staff was certified in different skills/competencies expected by type of activities performed. Based on these specifications, the CAAS reports that 97% of the personnel working in permanent residences for older adults do not have adequate certification of competencies in the area in which they work. Moreover, there are other individuals (mostly paid informal workers) working in services such as day centres, home care aides, domestic workers that form part of the LTC workforce, but there is no data available on their number, their labour conditions, etc.