Is there any data on the proportion of the population incurring in out-of-pocket expenditure when purchasing long-term care services? | Hong Kong SAR Is there any data on the proportion of the population incurring in out-of-pocket expenditure when purchasing long-term care services? | Hong Kong SAR
18 Aug 2022
For Community Care Service, the charges for private day care services range from $2,300 to $7,200 per month (compared with $900 to $1,000 per month for subsidised services). The charges for professional care services range from $160 to $200 per 45 minutes for Nurse / Occupational Therapist / Physiotherapist services, and from $50 to $100 per hour for Personal Care Worker / Health Worker services. The charges for miscellaneous domiciliary care services (i.e., home cleaning, home attending, home care, meal delivery, escort service) range from $25 to $100, while some operators would provide concessionary charge for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients (Sau Po Centre on Ageing, 2011).
To relieve burden brought by the out-of-pocket payment, the Government has launched the Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly (CCSV) with a maximum number of 7,000 vouchers. Elderly persons are required to pay for the co-payment amount according to the rate of the service package value (i.e., monthly voucher values are $9,600, $8,150, $7,260, $5,810, and $4,020) while the government will pay for the remaining amount of the service package value. Under the “affordable users pay” principle, the less the elderly person can afford, the more the Government subsidises (Social Welfare Department, 2020, January 23; 2020, February 3).
For Residential Care Service, the monthly charge for non-subsidised places in self-financing homes, contract homes and private homes vary widely from $4,500 to $21,000 (compared with $1,656 to $2,060 per month for subsidised services) (Social Welfare Department, 2019, November 7). There are also additional miscellaneous charges to cover items, such as out-patient escort services ($100 to $500 per time), diapers ($5 to $10 per use / $500 to $2,400 per month), toilet papers ($2 to $5 per roll), TV electricity ($50 to $200 per month), air conditioning ($95 to $300 per month) and initial administrative fee. Medical services such as wound cleaning, blood glucose test, and medical check-up may also be charged (Consumer Council, 2015, September 15).
Consumer Council. (2015, September 15). Huge Difference among Residential Care Homes Charge with Various Miscellaneous Items – CHOICE #467 [Press release]. Retrieved from https://www.consumer.org.hk/ws_en/news/press/elderlyhome_0915.html
Sau Po Centre on Ageing. (2011). Consultancy Study on Community Care Services for the Elderly: Final Report. Retrieved from Hong Kong: https://www.elderlycommission.gov.hk/en/download/library/Community%20Care%20Services%20Report%202011_eng.pdf
Social Welfare Department. (2019, November 7). Residential Care Services for the Elderly. Retrieved from https://www.swd.gov.hk/en/index/site_pubsvc/page_elderly/sub_residentia/
Social Welfare Department. (2020, February 3). The Pilot Scheme on Residential Care Service Voucher for the Elderly. Retrieved from https://www.swd.gov.hk/en/index/site_pubsvc/page_elderly/sub_residentia/id_psrcsv/
Social Welfare Department. (2020, January 23). Second Phase of the Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly (Pilot Scheme). Retrieved from https://www.swd.gov.hk/en/index/site_pubsvc/page_elderly/sub_csselderly/id_psccsv/