Are there private long-term care insurance products available? If so, what proportion of the population purchases them? Are private insurance markets regulated? | South Africa Are there private long-term care insurance products available? If so, what proportion of the population purchases them? Are private insurance markets regulated? | South Africa

13 Aug 2022

Medical insurance schemes in general do not support long-term care in South Africa; however, there are a few restricted products that are available to a select minority that, with a strong motivation to access this benefit, can access partial (50%) insurance for frail care (see Du Preez, 2015 for more detail).


Du Preez, L. (2015). Frail care: What you should know. Personal Finance. Available from: https://geratecza.com/2018/07/30/frail-care-what-you-should-know-laura-du-preez/