Are there private long-term care insurance products available? If so, what proportion of the population purchases them? Are private insurance markets regulated? | Brazil Are there private long-term care insurance products available? If so, what proportion of the population purchases them? Are private insurance markets regulated? | Brazil
31 Mar 2022
Yes, there are private healthcare insurance companies that provide health-related LTC (ANS, 2016). In addition, private companies have started building residential villages for older people to live, to stay for a period of time or to spend a day. In these villages, older people receive social and healthcare assistance as required. However, such private services are expensive and only those who can afford it have access to it (an example of such a private programme can be seen here).
ANS. (2016). ANS propõe novo modelo de assistência a idosos na saúde privada. Agência Brasil. https://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/geral/noticia/2016-05/ans-propoem-novo-modelo-na-assistencia-ao-idoso-na-saude-suplementar