How are long-term care budgets allocated and dispersed, across levels of the long- term care system? Do budgets get dispersed through geographical areas? | Kenya How are long-term care budgets allocated and dispersed, across levels of the long- term care system? Do budgets get dispersed through geographical areas? | Kenya

03 Mar 2022

There is no funding specifically for long-term care services. However, the amount allocated within the health sector in counties is distributed within programs in an efficient way while prioritizing cost-effective and efficient programmes (Ministry of Health, 2016b). Programs that are directed towards achieving the “Big Four Plan”  agenda, reflect on the actual financial requirement and are in full compliance with government priorities are given priority in terms of funding (Republic of Kenya, 2018a).


Ministry of Health. (2016b). National and county health budget analysis FY 2016/17. Nairobi, Kenya. http://www.healthpolicyplus.com/ns/pubs/6138-6239_FINALNationalandCountyHealthBudgetAnalysis.pdf

Republic of Kenya. (2018a). Guidelines for the preparation of the medium-term budget for the period 2019/20 -2021/22. Nairobi, Kenya.