How are long-term care budgets allocated and dispersed, across levels of the long- term care system? Do budgets get dispersed through geographical areas? | Brazil How are long-term care budgets allocated and dispersed, across levels of the long- term care system? Do budgets get dispersed through geographical areas? | Brazil

31 Mar 2022

The National Fund for Social Assistance (Fundo Nacional de Assistência Social) transfers budget to states and municipalities according to the Pluriannual Plan, the Law of Budgetary Guidelines, and the Annual Budget Law. It is considered a decentralized system in which each level of government can manage how the money will be spent (Brazilian Ministry of Citizenship, n.d.). The social care budget allocated to assist older people has changed over the years (in R$ millions) within each of the country’s regions. This federal allocation considers the number of older people locally, the increase in the value of minimum salary/basic pension, poverty levels, among other variables (Brasil, 2011).


Brazilian Ministry of Citizenship. (n.d.). Módulo II: o Financiamento do SUAS. Retrieved July 17, 2019, from http://aplicacoes.mds.gov.br/sagi/dicivip_datain/ckfinder/userfiles/pdf/aulas_or%C3%A7amento_mds_modulo_II.pdf

Brasil. (2011). Caderno SUAS: Financiamento da Assistência Social no Brasil. https://www.mds.gov.br/webarquivos/publicacao/assistencia_social/Cadernos/Suas_Financiamento_V.pdf