How is the public long-term care system financed? | South Africa How is the public long-term care system financed? | South Africa
13 Aug 2022
The South African government funds public long-term care for older persons, for which the majority of care is through residential facilities (WHO, 2017). All registered facilities can apply for subsidies for individual residents, with eligibility restricted to the frail and destitute (South African Government, 2019).
South African Government. (2019). Old age pension. 1–7. Available from: https://www.gov.za/services/social-benefits-retirement-and-old-age/old-age-pension
WHO. (2017). Towards long-term care systems in sub_Saharan Africa: WHO series on long-term care. Available from: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241513388