03.01.05. Voluntary long-term care sector | Indonesia

03.01.05. Voluntary long-term care sector | Indonesia

14 Apr 2022

The private long-term care sector in Indonesia provides community services, such as home care and training for family carers, as well as nursing homes, including hospice and respite care opportunities. For example, besides the regionally managed Posyandu LTC, services in the community are also provided by local non-profit organisations providing home care services, such as Cita Sehat in Yogyakarta, Emong Lansia in Jakarta, Vina Dulcedo in East Nusa Tenggara, and many more (Rahardjo & Yerly, 2014).

The provision of care in nursing or care homes, however, is surrounded by considerable stigma. The stigma, that nursing home care cannot provide the same kind of care as that provided by family members, is fueled by government officials. For instance, the former Minister of Social Affairs, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, appealed to the public not to send their older family members into nursing homes (Firmanto, 2016). The stigmatisation of institutional care leads to a flourishing, unregulated market of live-in carers, where family hire carers, predominantly women, to provide care to their older family members in their own homes (Kadar et al., 2013).

Nevertheless, some private long-term care providers have entered the market and provide services ranging from home care visits and carer training to hospice and respite care. However, data on the services provided is not well documented (Mahendrata et al., 2017, p.133). In 2004, there were 118 privately owned older person social service homes across the regions in Indonesia (Abikusno, 2007).

Particularly the upper socioeconomic class may benefit from assisted living, as provided by Rukun Senior Living in West Java. The organisation offers long-term care support for people in a retirement village. Their services are based on four aspects of wellness, namely the physical, mental, social, and spiritual. The facilities include a café, a gym, swimming pool, jacuzzi, and jogging track as well as a fishing pond. Social activities such as dancing, karaoke and music are encouraged within the facilities, while health services such as physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, and health checks are available from doctors and nurses. Regular pick-up and drop-off services are available for members wishing to go out to places of worships and on group outings/excursions. Members are provided with a private room including room services as well as physical and mental health assessment from doctors (Iskandar, 2016).

Another example of private LTC provider affiliated with ALZI is Wulan 247 Health Care in Bekasi, in the province of West Java. Wulan 247 offers Hospice Care, Home Care visits by certified nurses or caregivers with medical background, medical equipment lease, wound care and training for new health care providers and caregivers (247 Wulan Healthcare – About Us, 2017).


247 Wulan Healthcare – About Us. (2017). http://247wulanhealthcare.com/about.html

Abikusno, N. (2007). Long term care support and services for older persons : Case study of Indonesia. ESID/SPAG/4. http://libprint.trisakti.ac.id/145/1/2007%287%29-Abikusno.pdf

Firmanto D. (2016). Menteri Sosial Imbau Lansia Tak Dirawat di Panti Jompo. Jakarta: Tempo.co. Available at: https://nasional.tempo.co/read/809454/menteri-sosial-imbau-lansia-tak-dirawat-di-panti-jompo/full&view=ok

Iskandar, E. D. (2016). Bisnis Panti Jompo Kelas Atas. https://swa.co.id/swa/profile/profile-entrepreneur/bisnis-panti-jompo-kelas-atas

Kadar, K. S., Francis, K., & Sellick, K. (2013). Ageing in Indonesia – Health Status and Challenges for the Future. Ageing International, 38(4), 261–270. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12126-012-9159-y

Mahendradhata, Y., Trisnantoro, L., Listyadewi, S., Soewondo, P., MArthias, T., Harimurti, P., & Prawira, J. (2017). The Republic of Indonesia Health System Review (Vol. 7, Issue 1). https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/254716/9789290225164-eng.pdf

Rahardjo, T. B. W., & Yerly, A. N. (2014). A trend for establishing community care system in Indonesia. Forum on Conception of Harmonization of Long Term Care Certificate Between Japan and Indonesia.