03.01.04. Private long-term care sector | South Africa
03.01.04. Private long-term care sector | South Africa
13 Aug 2022
In addition to public LTCFs, there are over 1000 private long-term care facilities for older persons across South Africa (Mahomedy, 2017). These range from residential homes, retirement villages, frail care facilities, nursing homes, and step-down facilities. Private facilities offer a range of long-term care services, for example, assisted living, frail care, convalescence, as well as old age care (nursing/retirement homes) where they can buy or rent accommodation and are responsible for the full cost of their stay.
There are about 4.6 million persons aged 60 years and older in South Africa, however no data were found on the proportion of this population that makes up the private long-term care system.
Mahomedy, Y. (2017). Residential Facilities for Older Persons. Who Owns Whom: African Business Information.